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Congratulations to CABA’s VP External, George Wu, for his OCA Unsung Hero Award

On August 1, CABA’s VP External George Wu received the Unsung Heroes Award from OCA national in part for his efforts to bring to light the many Asian Americans who have been unjustifiably accused of trade secret theft. While recognizing that trade secret theft and economic espionage are serious threats to the economic vitality of the United States, the prosecution of these alleged crimes has to proceed with care as the careers and lives of many Asian Americans are destroyed by wanton prosecution – even if they are later found to be not guilty. George spoke at several events and along with others from OCA and other community groups organized a major event at the University of Chicago last year bringing together the FBI, the US Attorney office, and notable leaders in the Asian American community to discuss the need for careful and judicious prosecution of Asian Americans with respect to trade secret thefts and economic espionage.

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